Hello! My name is Friederike Peters. I am an Intuitive Coach and classically trained singer. My goal is for you to find true m e a n i n g and f u l f i l l m e n t in your life. For you to live purposefully from your heart. To liberate your uniqueness and become a m a g n e t for connection, love and a deep sense of satisfaction.
I am convinced that deep inside you, there is already a knowing about what you really need for a f u l f i l l e d life. Maybe, this knowing is covered up. My mission is to accompany you in living your truest you.
I have studied and received all methods I work with. This is how I know exactly where you are in the process and how I can support you best. Whether it is energy work, emotional work, meditation, or channeling: I will choose the method we use specifically f o r y o u and your situation. There is not that one method that is right for everyone at any time.
Your whole self - body, emotion, mind and soul - are attended to in this coaching. Helping you gain trust in your own steps and making you see, sense and feel your sense of worthiness is crucial to me.
✨ Discover your frequency and liberate the divinity you are:
There is a frequency only you hold. This frequency is y o u r g i f t : The gift life holds for you. A gift you hold for the world.
L e t m e e x p l a i n :
By this frequency, I mean the true YOU. The You beyond what you have learned you can, or cannot be. It is the You you came here to be. Doesn't it make sense that if you are trying to be someone you are not, life simply cannot feel good? Pretending to fit in, pretending to like things just because others do, makes you small, it makes you feel worthless, it makes you feel like "No matter how hard I try, I'm never gonna get it" Naturally. It is impossible to receive the goodness of life, when you are not being who you truly are.
What you came here to be, is unique. Your uniqueness has a specific frequency. And even if it remains in-perceivable to your physical ears, this frequency is sound. Metaphorically spoken, it is the song your life sings into the world.
T h e S o u n d o f Y o u
With this mentoring, you awaken and strengthen your true self through a combination of energy work, emotional work, channeling, conscious manifestation techniques and a good deal down-to-earthness. Establish a connection between your soul, your heart and the here-and-now. A connection between your desires and your power to make them come true.
Together, we will liberate your magnetic frequency in order to invite, instead of push for, more j o y , l i f e f o r c e , healthy relationships, and l o v e into your life.
Once your true frequency is liberated, doors will open which you didn't even know exist.
People, situations and possibilities you could not have thought up yourself will enter your life.
This is your p o w e r .
Liberated m a g i c .
Your m a g n e t i s m .
Time to unpack your gift.
End the search.
Give your soul a chance to speak through you.
Your soul has a sound. The Sound of You.
First off, before we begin, we are going to meet at least once in a video call and you will receive a full-blown, free session. This free session is for both you and me to find out whether we are comfortable working with one another. Both you and me must feel like these are going to be exciting 5 months of commitment and transformation! We don't do half-hearted shit.
Individual topics of the following five months will be determined in alignment with your life situation, your challenges and your goals. Once I have received your go, I tap into your energy to know what needs to be addressed for you to feel and radiate who you truly are.
Here are some topics that almost always come up within those five months:
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