a b o u t f r i e d e r i k e
I was born into a small, middle class family in western Germany. My parents loved me (and still do). As a child, I loved playing outside, loved acting out stories with my Barbie dolls and spent several years horseback-riding until I discovered my passion for dancing. I was healthy, fit and a high performer in all areas of life. Having spent months, in some cases years, in various countries, most people were foreseeing my future in law, diplomacy, or similar professions.
However, my life never followed a straight line. On the one hand, I have been unwilling to limit myself to one interest or profession. For example, I received opera singing training and spent several years performing (still do).
On the other hand, I had to overcome several spiritual and mental health challenges, which caused an awakening to new consciousness and perception: I studied psychology, developed a fascination for spiritual practices, became a Reiki Master and have been constantly growing my capacity to facilitate emotional and energetic healing as well as conscious manifestation techniques.
Also: I am a lover of all things dancing and yoga. :)
One thing I understood for certain: We all carry within us the capacity to heal and the key to our own happiness. I also understood that it takes people by our side - teachers, coaches, therapists, family, friends - who accompany us.
You are not meant to do it alone!
And It would be an honor to guide you on our journey.
It is deeply satisfying work and something so profound and beautiful I wish I could describe in words.
Some of the things that happened in my clients' lives while working with me:
My mentoring is a unique combination of deep presence work, emotional expression, powerful manifestation techniques, intuitive energy work as well as channeling and facilitating harmony through sound - yours and mine.
From my heart to yours,
F r i e d e r i k e
what might be of interest
Online Training in Hypno-Systemic Concepts with Gunther Schmidt | Auditorium Netzwerk
AWAKA Experience | A 10-day intensive healing and coaching journey to Peru
Host/ Moderation | Ayurveda Open Doors | Full day of Ayurveda, Köln
Workshop Facilitator | Healing Emotional Wounds | Ayurveda Open Doors, Köln
Workshop Facilitator | Sacred Space: my Workshop for shadow work and healing | Köln
Team Member/ Emotional Healing Facilitator | Raw Connection Retreat w/ Ram Alsaman New Earth Integration, Berlin
Byron Katie "THE WORK" Workshop | Köln
Team Member/ Emotional Healing Facilitator | Raw Connection Retreat w/ Ram Alsaman New Earth Integration, Berlin
Assistant Coach/ Team Member | Completion Process Training and Mirror Event, Sydney, Australia
Microexpressions Training | Bert Udo Koch, HiQ Institut
Masterclass of Personality | Tobias Beck University
Team Member/ Emotional Healing Facilitator | The Completion Process Gathering | Ram Alsaman New Earth Integration, Berlin
Dalmanuta Reiki Master | Peter Michael Dieckmann
HiQ Update Seminar | HiQ-Institute
Power of You Alumni | Mel Robbins
Stop Smoking Hypnosis Certified Practitioner | Erik Grösche, HiQ Institut
Specific Hypnosis Techniques Practitioner | Erik Grösche, HiQ Institut
Completion Process Certified Practitioner | Teal Swan
Bachelor of Science, Psychology | FernUniversität in Hagen
Humanistic Hypnosis Practitioner | HiQ Institute for Humanistic Hypnosis
Second Degree Dalmanuta Reiki (Extended Usui System) | Peter Michael Dieckmann
First Degree Reiki, Original Usui System | Claudia Wagner
Italian Language Certification (C1) | Centro Koiné, Firenze (IT)
Internship in Humanitarian Work | GRAIF Groupe de recherché et d'appui aux initiatives féminines - Thiès, Sénégal
French Langugae Certification (B2) | Alliance Francaise de Lyon (FR)
High School Graduation as the Valedictorian | Ricarda-Huch-Gymnasium, Krefeld
American High School Diploma | Wallace High, Wallace, Nebraska (USA)
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